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University of Catania. Italy
Globe artichoke and cardoon forms: Horticultural crops among the fresh consumption, the food and the food and no-food industrial process
He is Full Professor of Agronomy and Field Crops at the University of Catania, Associate Researcher at the National Council of Researches of Italy (IVALSA) and Member of Doctorate of Research in “Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science” at the, University of Catania.
He was Vice-Director of Department of Scienze Agronomiche, Agrochimiche e delle Produzioni Animali from 2005 to 2010 and First Researcher of the National Council of Researches of Italy.
His research activities are focused on:
He is author of almost 400 scientific papers on bio-physiological, genetic and agronomical topics of crops, particularly for those grown in the Mediterranean areas.
University of Tuscia. Italy
Genetic Diversity in Cynara spp.: Assessment and management for its conservation and utilization
He worked at ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas) from 1986 to 1991. The activities included periods abroad and collaborations with foreign colleagues. He was in Maputo, Mozambique (March-July 1994) to lecture Agricultural Genetics. Since 1995 he collaborated with ICARDA in research aimed at durum wheat evaluation.
Graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Perugia in 1984, he got his Ph.D. at Reading University (UK) in 1991.
From 2000 to 2002 he was responsible for the RU of Viterbo for the project "Perennial legumes to acid soils dewater" sponsored by CLIMA (Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture) Perth Australia.
He is in the editorial board of “Diversity”, “ScienceJet Journal”, “Dataset Papers in Science, Genetics section”, “Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics” and “Journal of Scientific Research
Associate Professor at the University of Tuscia since 2005.
Research activities have been focused mainly on the analysis of genetic variation in natural populations of several species of agricultural interest (Triticum, Artichoke, Capparis spinosa, Poplar, forage legumes, Pistache, Orchid), and the relationship between genetic variation and edaphic factors. These include biodiversity conservation, adaptation and tools for variety identification.
The analyses are conducted using traditional and advanced methodologies, based on different kinds of molecular markers. Particular attention is paid to the resistance to abiotic stress, especially drought stress, looking also at the distribution and identification of SNP markers for genes related to drought and salt tolerance.
From 2001 to 2005 he was responsible of the Research Unit "Evaluation of genetic variability present in the emmer wheat germplasm" of the Special Project "Genetic resources useful for the improvement of the species of interest and for a sustainable agriculture" financed by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. From July 2007 to June 2010 he was the coordinator of the project "European genetic resources of Cynara spp. - CYNARES" funded by the European Union under the European Community Program AGRI GEN RES. He is the responsible of the Viterbo Research Unit for the Horizon 2020 project ECOBREED (Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding).
Chair of the ISHS Artichoke working group from October 2015
Cajamar Foundation. Spain
Main methods of artichoke multiplication and the role of seed multiplication
He is and expert in crop protection, fungal soil diseases in intensive horticultural crops, integrated pest management and integrated production.
Nowadays, hi is working during for the last 25 years in the research station of Cajamar, in Paiporta (Valencia) in the Innovation Department of Cajamar. His research activities are focused on development research and experimental works in horticulture and fruits in outside crop and under greenhouse, as well as on activities about dissemination and transference.
He is author and co-author of different books in horticulture crops, especially in artichoke, and has published numerous scientific articles and divulgation ones. He is working and has worked in different research national and international projects.
He is President of SECH (Spanish Society of Horticultural Sciences).
Daniel I. Leskovar received his B.S. in Horticulture (Agricultural Engineer) from the Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina; graduate training from the University of Wageningen, Holland; M.S. in Vegetable Crops from the University of California, Davis in 1986, and Ph.D. in Vegetable Crops – Physiology from the University of Florida in 1991. He has been a member of the graduate faculty at Texas A&M University since 1992. Dr. Leskovar was named Director of the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Uvalde in 2011.
Dr. Leskovar’s vegetable physiology program focuses on understanding plant morphological and physiological adaptation mechanisms to environmental stresses, and development of integrated sustainable vegetable cropping systems. His research emphasis is on: 1) seed-transplant production and physiology to increase plant survival and enhance stand establishment; 2) plant hormones to modulate seedling growth; 3) root/shoot developmental responses to water conservation strategies and irrigation technologies; 4) impact of cropping systems on antioxidants and sensory attributes of vegetable crops; and 5) genotype selection for drought resistance, high yield, quality, and phytochemical content. Dr. Leskovar’s program involves international cooperators.
“I like graduate students to be independent thinkers and problem solvers and be involved in dynamic teams, interacting and collaborating with other student projects and industry partners in multidisciplinary settings. Students in my program are exposed to a combination of TAMU on-campus teaching and AgriLife off-campus research and service to give them the best training for their future professional careers.”
Dr. Armengol is an expert in the diagnosis of phytopathogenic fungi in all types of crops, developing research on the biology, epidemiology and control of fungi causing diseases in horticultural and fruit crops, and ornamental and forestry plants. Dr. Armengol also has wide experience in the training of research personnel, and in the dissemination of research results in national and international publications and conferences.
Dr. Josep Armengol is a University Professor attached to the Department of Agroforestry Ecosystems of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). It is also a member and main responsible for the Phytopathogenic Fungal Research Group of the Mediterranean Agroforestry Institute of the UPV (IAM-UPV), which acts as the National Reference Laboratory for the Diagnosis of Phytopathogenic Fungi for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA).
Dr. Josep Armengol is currently the Director of the Erasmus Mundus European Master Degree “Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems” (PlantHealth - www.planthealth.upv.es).
University of Foggia. Italy
Postharvest handling of fresh artichokes and potential for processing as convenience products
Giancarlo Colelli is a Professor of “Equipments for postharvest handling” at the University of Foggia, Italy, where he also chairs the Doctorate Program on “Innovation Management in Agricultural and Food Systems of the Mediterranean Region”. Main R&D activities primarily deal with process implications on quality of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables and non-destructive technology for assessment of quality attributes. Namely part of his work is related to postharvest performance of whole and fresh-cut artichokes as affected by pre- and postharvest conditions.
Together with other colleagues he has organized all the editions of the “European Short-course on Quality & Safety of Fresh-cut Produce” (in Italy, Spain, Germany, Turkey, UK, and Portugal). He has also convened CAMA 2013, the 11th ISHS International Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Research Conference and he is presently the co-convener of Model-It 2019, the 6th International Symposium on Modeling in Horticultural Supply Chain.
As principal investigator he has coordinated more than 20 national and International Research and Development Programs. He is author of more than 200 scientific publications in refereed journals, book chapters, conference proceedings, and technical magazines, and Invited Speaker in many scientific events worldwide.
University Miguel Hernández. Spain
Bioactive compounds with health benefits of artichoke and cardoon
I did my Doctoral Thesis at the CEBAS-CSIC (Murcia), and defended in the University of Granada (1993). In 1994 I obtained a Post-Doctoral Scholarship for a 2-year stay (1994-1995) at the University of Bristol (UK), and in 1996 I re-joined the CEBAS-CSIC as a Researcher. I have developed the following activities: Participation in 19 R&D Research Projects in public calls, acting as Principal Investigator since 1999. I have carried out 55 Research Contracts with National and International Companies. I have published 255 Scientific Articles, of which 100 in international journals (JCR-SCI) and 20 Articles in popular journals.
In 1997 I obtained a position as Associate Professor at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH), and I started directing the Research Group of "Post-Harvest of Fruits and Vegetables at the UMH". After 12 years of intense research I obtained a position as University Professor (2009).
I have been the Author and/or Editor of 7 International and National Research Books, as well as 19 International Research Book Chapters. I have presented 131 Communications to International Conferences and 65 Communications to National Congresses (both Oral and Poster). Within these Congresses, I have been participated as an Organizing Committee, Scientific Committee and Moderator of Round Tables in 32 Events, being President of the Organizing Committee of 4 International Congresses. I have given 40 International and National Conferences, and has supervised 6 Doctoral Theses, the last 3 being written and defended in English. I am an external Evaluator for 15 National and International Agencies, as well as Reviewer of 55 International Journals (JCR-SCI).
He is and expert in crop protection, fungal soil diseases in intensive horticultural crops, integrated pest management and integrated production.
He is Dr. in Agronomy for the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
He is retired nowadays. He worked in the Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Development of Murcia (IMIDA) from April 1977 to April 2016.
He was Director of the Department of Biotechnology and Crop Protection of the Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Development of Murcia from April 2003 to April 2016.
Based on an anecdote by the artist Michelangelo Merisi, better known as Caravaggio, the lecture will focus on the meaning of the artichoke through the works of different eras and painted or sculpted by various artists.
Critic and art historian.
Valeriano Venneri was born in Parma, Italy, in 1973.
He graduated from the University of Pisa in Art History and a Master's Degree in Management and Conservation of Archaeological and Artistic Heritage for the University of Siena.
Specialist in the Renaissance and Italian Barocco lectures on, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Andrea Del Sarto and Caravaggio.
He has collaborated with different magazines both in Italy, Milano Giorno Notte, and in Spain for the cultural page of ABC Alicante.
Participate as a speaker at international congresses on Holy Week and inclusive culture conferences in Uruguay.
He is curator of exhibitions in Italy and Spain of artists such as: Riccardo Dalisi, Enzo Ferraro, Mario Persico, Bruno Donzelli, Antonio Ballesta.