Título / Autores |
 | A systematic review of minimally processed artichoke. Almela, L., García-Martínez, N., Andreo-Martínez, P. |
 | Agronomic and productive response to different concentrations and number of treatments of gibberellic acid in artichoke cultivar Num 4011 Baixauli, C., Giner-Martorell, A., Nájera-Juan, I., Aguilar, J.M. |
 | Agronomic behavior of cardoon varieties in Navarre. Lahoz, I., Macua,J.I., Urmeneta, I., Juanena, A. |
 | Alternative exploitation of Cynara spp. biodiversity in a green economy context. Crinò P., Tolaini, V., De Rossi, P., Del Fiore, A., Mancini, L., Cuna, D. |
 | Analysis of DNA methylation patterns associated with in vitro propagated globe artichoke plants. Cerruti, E., Comino, C., Acquadro, A., Marconi, G., Albertini, E., Repetto, A.M., Pisanu, A.B., Pilia, R., Portis, E. |
 | Artichoke culture preservation under saline conditions using arbuscular mycorrhiza and Trichoderma in La Vega Baja del Segura, Spain. Erice, G., Colosimo, F., Lucini, L., Cirino, V., Bonini,P. |
 | Bioactive compounds in pollen of Cynara cardunculus var. altilis: first results. Toscano, V., Genovese, C., Leonardi, C., Arlotta, C., Pappalardo, H., Raccuia, S. |
 | Biocontrol of artichoke fungal diseases in saline soil by altering microorganism populations using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma. Colosimo, F., Erice, G., Cirino, V., Ruzzi, M., Bonini, P. |
 | Blanca de Tudela and seed artichoke in Navarre. Lahoz, I., Macua, J.I., Urmeneta, I., Juanena, A. |
 | Characterization and antioxidant activity of Sicilian commercial cardoon honeys. Raccuia, S., Genovese, C., Arlotta, C., Venticinque, M., Caldeano, P. |
 | Comparison of high and low frequency drip irrigation in an artichoke crop. Puerto, H., Rocamora, C., Abadía, R., Zapata, P.J., Valero, D., Martínez-Tomé, J. |
 | Development of cardoon male sterile clones. Valentina, T., Ciancolini, A., Crinò, P., Capuzzi, L., Bastioli, C. |
 | Effect of artificial vernalization on the production of Tunisian globe artichoke derived from nursery's ovoli: earliness, yield and quality traits. Riahi, J., Nicoleto, C.,Bouzaien, G., Sambo, P., Khalfallah, K.K. |
 | Effect of genotype and harvest time on the weed phytotoxicity of Cynara cardunculus L. leaf extracts. Scavo, A., Pandino, G., Rial, C., Varela, R., Molinillo, J., Macias, F., Mauromicale, G. |
 | Effect of preharvest application of methyl salicylate as an elicitor at harvest and during postharvest storage of `Blanca de Tudela´ artichokes. Martínez-Esplá, A., García-Pastor, M.E., Zapata, P.J., Martinez-Romero, D., Castillo, S., Valverde, J.M., Guillen, F. |
 | Effect of reactive oxygen species on germination of Cynara cardunculus (L.) varieties. Puglia, G.D., Huarte, E.R., Calderano, P., Pappalardo, H.D., Toscano, V., Raccuia, S. |
 | Effect of salicylic acid on quality attributes of artichokes `Blanca de Tudela´ during post-harvest storage. Guillén, F., Valero, D., Castillo, S., Martínez-Romero, D., Ruíz-Jiménez, J.M, Valverde, J. M., Zapata, P.J. |
 | Effect of salt treatments on seedlings of five commercial artichoke hybrids. Pagnotta, M.A., Egea-Gilabert, C., Fernández, J.A., Giménez, A. |
 | Effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) different concentration treatments on Calico and Sambo F1 globe artichokes. Bartual, J., Parra, J., Ortiz, M. |
 | Epidemiology of Verticillium dahliae in artichoke crops in Region of Murcia (Southeast Spain). Guerrero, M.M., Lacasa, C., Martínez, V., Martínez, M.C., Lacasa, A. |
 | Farming system and organic soil sources: Influence on soil health, yield, and head quality of globe artichoke Leskovar, D., Othman, Y. JORDAN. |
 | From field to fork, 3 case studies to understand the globe artichoke supply chain. Calabrese, N., Guyon, C., Jana, C., Martínez, J.P., Minisini, S., Vargas, S. |
 | Genotype influence on antioxidant compounds content in Cynara cardunculus (L.). Pappalardo, H.D., Genovese, C., Puglia, G.D., Martines, L., D'Amante, G., Toscano, V., Raccuia, S. |
 | Grafting globe artichoke on four Tunisian cardoon rootstocks: compatibility and cardoon responses versus Verticillium dahliae Riahi, J., Khalfallah, K.K., Nicoletto, C. |
 | Impact of different photoperiodic treatments on globe artichoke var. “Spinoso Sardo” (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus Fiori) head traits and elementary composition. Virdis, A., Fadda, A., Barberis, A., Ledda, L., Melito, S. |
 | Improvement of globe artichoke genome assembly obtained from a hi-c genomic library. Acquadro, A., Barchi, L., Portis, E., Valentino, D., Lanteri, S |
 | Improvement of the shelf life of minimally processed artichoke through antimicrobial and antioxidants agents. Núñez-Delicado, E., Gómez, P., Gabalón, J.A., Sánchez-Guijarro, M. |
 | In vitro culture techniques as a tool for the conservation and valorization of local genetic resources of Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus (L.) Fiori. Ruta, C., Tagarelli, A.M., Ancona, S., Verdini, L., De Mastro, G. |
 | Integration of phenotypic a genotypic selection for the development of globe artichoke seed propagated varieties. Mauromicale, G., Portis, E., Acquadro, A., Lo Monaco, A. Pesce, R., Lanteri, S. |
 | Leaf and plant water use efficiency in globe artichoke cv ‘Spinoso sardo’ under different irrigation water managements. Deligios, P., Chergia, A.P., Sanna, G., Solinas, S., Ledda, L. |
 | Phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and lignin content of “Spinoso sardo” artichoke grown under different photoperiods. Virdis, A., Fadda, A., Barberis, A., Ledda, L., Melito, S. |
 | Physiological and yield response of two `early´ globe artichoke cultivars to nitrogen fertilization. Lombardo, S.,Pandino, G., Mauro, R.P., Litrico, A., Mauromicale, G. |
 | Phytochemical and biomolecular analyses of wild edible Sardinian thistles and evaluation of their potential anti-inflammatory activity. Marengo, A., Sanna, C., Maxia, A.,Bertea, C., Fumagalli, M., Sangiovanni, E., Dell'Agli; M., Bicchi, C., Cagliero, C., Rubiolo, P. |
 | Polyphenols profile in globe artichoke as affected by intraspecific competition. Pandino, G., Lombardo, S., Bonomo, A., Mauromicale, G. |
 | Postharvest storage of artichoke in macro-perforate bags. García-Pastor, M.E., Valero, D., Serrano, M., Zapata, P.J., Martínez-Romero, D., Guillén, F., Ruiz-Jiménez, J.M. |
 | Preharvest application of methyl salicylate: Effects on crop yield, quality and functional properties of artichoke (Cynaras colymus L.) at harvest. García-Pastor, M.E., Zapata, P.J., Martinez-Espla, A., Martinez-Romero, D., Castillo, S., Valverde, J.M., Guillen, F. |
 | Present situation and perspective of the globe artichoke in the world. Calabrese, N. |
 | Presentation of ‘Alcachofa España’and ‘Alcachofa Vega Baja’. Mr. A. Galindo and Mr. D. Martínez. |
 | Principal mechanism of tolerance to abiotic stresses in Cynara cardunculus L. Toscano, V., Pappalardo, H., Genovese, C., Publia, G., Leonardi, C., Raccuia, S. |
 | Production of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) sprouts with high nutraceutical value: First results. Raccucia, S., Toscano, V., Genovese, C., Putrino, A., Puglia, G.D., Venticinque, M. |
 | Productive and agronomic behaviour of new cvs and lines of seed propagated artichoke. Baixauli, C., Nájera-Juan, I., Aguilar, J.M., Giner-Martorell, A. |
 | Reduction of Verticillium dahliae inoculum on soil by biosolarization Guerrero, M.M., Lacasa, C., Martínez, V., Martínez, M.C., Ramírez, B., Jara, A., Lacasa, A. |
 | Seed treatment with endophytic fungi enhances yield and nutritional quality of seed-propagated artichokes. Cardarelli, M., Rouphael, Y., De Pascale, S., Colla, G. |
 | Sensory properties of canned cardoon hearts in relation to genotype. Melilli, M.G., Argento, S., Scandura, S., Pagliaro, A., Calderaro, P., Di Bella, M.C., Branca, F. |
 | Shelf life and sensory properties of processed cardoon hearts. Melilli, M.G., Argento, S., Scandura, S., Pagliaro, A., Di Bella, M.C., Branca, F. |
 | Study of agronomical behavior and quality characteristics of some seed-grown globe artichoke cultivars (Cynara scolymus L.) in the southeast of Spain. Parra, J., Ortiz, M., García, J., Bartual, J. |
 | The globe artichoke genome database. (www.artichokegenome.unito.it). Portis, E., Portis, F., Valente, L., Barchi, L., Lanteri, S., Acquadro, A. |
 | Total caffeoylquinic acids and flavonoids in leaves of Cynara cardunculus cardoon forms. Pandino, G., Gattesco, F., Bosisio, S., Lombardo, S.,Scavo, A., Mauromicale, G. |
 | Total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity in a collection of sicilian globe artichocke ecotypes. Lombardo, S., Pandino, G., Scavo, A., Mauromicale, G. |
 | Towards the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-out of polyphenol oxidase genes in globe artichoke. Moglia, A., Comino, A., Gianoglio, S., Lanteri, S. |
 | Use of hyperspectral imaging for the discrimination of artichoke by variety and harvest time. Babellahi, F., Amodio, M.L., Colelli, G., Berardi, A., Ricci, I. |
 | Variation in polyphenolic composition and physiological characteristics of `Blanca de Tudela´ cultivar affected by irrigation system. Giménez, M.J., Abadía, R., Valero, D., Serrano, M., García-Pastor, M.E., Medina-Santamarina, J., Martínez-Esplá, A., Zapata, P.J. |
 | Water productivity of globe artichoke under different irrigation regimes in cultivation for pharmaceutical purpose. Salata, A., Nurzynska-Wierdak, R.,Buczkowska, H., Najda, A. |
 | Zero-residue artichoke production by integrated pest management. Almela, L., García-Martínez, N., Andreo-Martínez, P. |